A list of Frequently asked questions for Tradies using the hipages payment feature.
No. hipages payments is separate to hipages subscriptions
No. Payments are managed through a new 3rd party vendor - Stripe.com who offer cheaper merchant fees, sophisticated payment options
You can do it via the setting tab on your phone.
hipages payments is separate to your Stripe account. If you already have a Stripe account you can us that account.
Yes you can
Stripe confirms verification via a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) check, which usually happens within seconds
There is a minimum of $5, maximum $20,000 (AUD) (excluding 1.6% fee)
It will show as "on behalf of <tradie’s business name>" on the bank account transaction list or statement.
It will show as "hipages Payments Service" in your bank account.
Within 5-10 business days